Hoosiers connect


Thank you for trusting us with your athlete’s basketball development! Please see below for detailed information of today’s camp and what your athlete will be learning and practicing.

Questions? Reach out to our team at camps@hoosiersconnect.com.


Athletes will spend 15 minutes at each of the 5 stations. All stations and skills will be tailored to athlete’s age & skill level.

  • The Why: The purpose is to understand how to correctly set up and set a ball screen with correct spacing to help create more scoring options. 

    Station Work: 2 line ball screen actions (line one is the ball handler, line 2 is the screener). 

    • Athletes will practice ball screen actions (high ball screens, pop, roll, reject) how to read the action & what to look for. 

  • The Why: The purpose is to understand how to set a good screen and be able to read the defense to know whether to curl, pop, or flare. Athletes will learn what the screener should do depending on the action of the cutter (flash across to the ball, pop up, or slip the screen). 

    Station Work: 2 or 3 line down screening to work on curls, pops, and flairs. 

    • While practicing, coaches will explain to the screener how to read the action and what to do as a result. 

  • The Why: The purpose is to learn how to post up correctly and how to use the correct passing angles to feed the post. Athletes will practice where to relocate after feeding the post and post action moves after receiving the ball. 

    Station Work: Line one will be on the wing and line two will cut to the opposite block. Passer will dribble, feed to the post, and cut to the appropriate space. 

    • Coaches will focus on how to catch, seal, and pass to the post. 

  • The Why: The purpose of this station is to work on and understanding driving angles and how to space appropriate to help create the best angles. 

    Station Work: 2 line attack angles (line one is ball handler and line two is rebounder). Ball handler will change speeds and angles to finish focusing on finishing at the rom off one and two feet. 

    • Coaches will show the angles to attack and how to keep the right spacing. 

  • The Why: The purpose is to explain spacing and footwork in order to be ready to shoot after catching the ball. 

    Station Work: 2 line drive and kick spacing for a jump shot. The ball handler will drive to draw an extra defender while their teammate will work to find the open spot and get ready to shoot. 

    • Coaches will show different options for the ball handler and help relocate the teammate to be open.


Athletes will spend 10 minutes at each of the 5 stations. All stations and skills will be tailored to athlete’s age & skill level.

  • Coaches will mix in actions and skills worked on during hour one.

  • 5 on 5 with ball screens and screening away. Half court man only.

  • 4 on 4 shell drill that is focused on defense in help and offense with post actions, down screens, and ball screens.

  • 3 on 3 actions that focus on skills that were worked on in hour one (ball screen, down screen, pass cut and pass) while keeping a focus on spacing.

  • Drive and kick actions focused on pass cut and drive and space.


Thank you for trusting us with the development of your athlete! We know you have a lot of choices when it comes to youth camps and thank you for choosing Hoosiers Connect Camps.

Head Coach Jordan Basye has developed resources for you and your athlete to practice at home that will be sent to you after the camp is over.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team by emailing camps@hoosiersconnect.com.

Questions? Contact us.
